Exam Time

Update time: When I completed my master's degree I completed the first step in becoming a Certified Nutrition Specialist with the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists (CBNS), which is a national organization that allows its members to be licensed nutritionists in all of the states that recognize it.  If I want to act as a licensed nutritionist, which allows me to actually make nutritional diagnosis and allows my clients to seek insurance reimbursement if their insurance plan covers nutrition counseling, then being licensed is a good idea.  Not to mention that it makes my knowledge more creditable.  The next step in the certification process is passing the board exam.  I originally thought that I would not be able to sit for the upcoming November exam since I would not have been able to get my application in before the September deadline.  The CBNS apparently got a number of requests for application deadline extensions.  They decided to extend the deadline, and now I can apply to take the exam in November.

So that is my new plan for the next month or so.  Stay put and study my butt off to try and pass the Exam in November before high tailing it out of here.  It's not a super fun plan, but it has the upside of feeling like the smart thing to do.  Also, autumn is my favorite season in Maryland, so I suppose hanging out and watching the leaves change and the air grow crisp isn't a terrible fate.

studying too hard
photo credit: blogs.qut.edu.au

Katie Dawn Habib

Katie Dawn Habib is a Holistic Nutrition Coach with a M.S. in Nutrition and Integrative Health. By combining her nutrition knowledge with a love of writing, Katie created her own website, The Hungry Gypsy, where she talks about food, nutrition, wellness and travel. On her site you can also find information about her nutrition coaching practice and join in on the conversations. Katie would like to contribute in some small way to global healing and help her clients and readers feel inspired.