How to Cook with Oils/Fats
/This is wonderful info about heating and storage of oils/fats extrapolated from a chart that was made by one of my professors: Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, RH (AHG)
Almond Oil
Low-heat cooking, no heat
Refrigerate. Use within 3 months of opening.
Black Current Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Borage Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Contains very toxic long-chain fatty acids
Not recommended
High heat
Salted butter is much harder to digest than unsalted
Unsalted goes rancid more easily
Refrigerate or use crock.
Canola Oil
Medium heat
Not recommended unless certified as organic.
Coconut Oil
High heat
Does not need refrigeration but keep cool
Corn Oil
Medium heat
Often pesticide contaminated
Highly processed
Not recommended
Evening Primrose Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Fish Oils
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Use within 2 months of opening.
Flaxseed Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Use within 3 months of opening
Ghee (clarified butter)
High heat
Does not need refrigeration but keep cool
Hemp Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Almost always contaminated
Not recommended unless certified organic
If partially-hydrogenated or trans fats, DO NOT INGEST
If combination of soy and other oils, follow directions for those oils
Olive Oil
Medium heat
Does not need refrigeration but keep cool
Palm Kernel Oil
High heat
Does not need refrigeration but keep cool
Peanut Oil
High heat
Almost always contaminated
Not recommended unless certified organic.
Safflower Oil
Medium to high heat
Does not need refrigeration but keep cool
Buy “high oleic” variety
Sesame Oil
Low heat cooking
Refrigeration recommended
Sunflower Oil
Low heat cooking
Refrigeration recommended
Buy “high oleic” variety
Wheat Germ Oil
Nutritional supplement, no heat
Additional Information
- Low heat defined as under 200° F, Medium heat defined as 200-350° F, and High heat above 350° F.
- When an oil smokes it is a sign that you are applying too much heat. Often the label will recommend a smoke point temperature.
- Ideally all oils should be refrigerated to extend shelf life. If not stored in fridge, keep oils away from light and heat. Do not buy oils in clear glass or plastic bottles (light destroys oils). No and low heat oils must be refrigerated.
- Oils that are used at low heat keep 6 months. Oils used at medium heat keep for approximately 1 year.
- As much as possible, buy only fats and oils that are certified as organic. Buy only cold-pressed oils.
- All fats and oils, including fish oils, should taste and smell “fresh”. If they do not, dispose of them. Rancid fats and oils are extremely toxic and severely interfere with normal fatty acid metabolism.